Friday, October 29, 2010

Itchy Bumps On Pinky Toe

A weekend of family group child.

Um .. yes. I know that I currently sporadic blogging and am terribly behind the events - I will in the next Time trying to make up my behind. Therefore, at this point despite the most part vanilla experiences a report from the family because he was too great to not to write about it.

carefully trimmed and dressed up with a rose on his jacket (yes, I know .. kitsch factor of three), I climbed on 10/15/2010 at length from a subway train in Hamburg and Chris discovered on the opposite platform, after which we hochhechteten stairs and fell into the arms of us, glad we finally wiederzuhaben.

arrived in the cozy apartment, I was promptly attacked by his family and it was followed by a welcome round, which soon afterwards in the dining room The hotel was repeated on a larger scale. Although I admittedly have a crappy memory for names, I felt terribly spontaneous in the middle of this great pile of nice people well - an impression which should be confirmed in the coming days.

After looking at the lush and had a lot snacked on delicious dinner, and Chris and I went the other at the table due to our infatuation on his nerves were, we went to the Reeperbahn in the vague intention to drink a glass somewhere. As it turned out, although there were plenty of bright colorful flashing signs, relevant institution and his staff and party taxis with blue lights every minute - but no bar, we could have animated only approximately to leave our money there.

So we strolled through the streets and watch the characters around us. I felt both fascinated and appalled - it was almost like I was studying an alien life form me. I also registered amused, hard as the various businesses to customers tried - I could somehow just "Oh, how cute .." , After which I think seemed pretty wicked. This feeling was reinforced halted when Chris' family members before an ominous shop that claimed to serve perverse clientele, and the (harmless) display extensively examined.

Finally, it was Chris and me, us to hurry and we made a trip to the Boutique Bizarre, which turned out to be but as a relatively disappointing (and where I purposefully put my foot jumping - very typical Julie I'd missed the sign, which said that one should not make fun of loud pink sleeves with glitter star). Their dimension is impressive, but the very fact that it is large, there is little opportunity to consult extensively .. and its location ensures that visitors are most curious Vanillas, who want to see me, how vicious, but that's all.

The range was also because a high proportion of paint and Latexkram and the (unspeakable in my eyes) platform shoes. Although the selection of stainless steel toy and impact devices was considerable, and one of the porcelain vibrators, which I discovered in a display case at the entrance and also with my name, I will myself indulge at Christmas, but overall to me are the small shops in back yards and side streets where only perverts get lost every now and where you can also try things and can clearly prefer.

jump to Saturday morning where, after a royal breakfast - scrambled eggs and sausages! Stuffed tomatoes! Five different types of bread! Fruit salad and fruit or yogurt! Croissants! Cake! - On a beautiful city tour and a boat trip attended by the port. My art historians-heart was thrilled with the historic buildings and statues, so I Chris flooded with technical terms, waving wildly in the area and had to restrain myself to not jump for joy.

Unfortunately I managed this with the self-control in part - I spent the whole day and have fun playing it, I must confess, with the sometimes very provoking to the extreme. The poor afflicted man could do so in the middle of his relatives do not mind .. except to threaten me that he would therefore not play extra with me. Nuff. Fortunately, we tingelte after dinner the Hamburg Stammi, where he was because even adequately respond to my pester and we've talked nicely with those present.

Then we moved on to some Stammiteilnehmern unbeatable, which turned out to be a comfortable location, even if our presence in the average age dropped loosely in half, and we were eyed by the gentry but gestandeneren a bit confused. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of ordering virtually no alcohol experience a Pina Colada and thus to shoot me with a cocktail. In the USB myself I only noticed that I was angeschwipst easy on the way home, however, was difficult to walk on my high boots and I felt increasingly disoriented.

And in fact - the morning after I had a damn cat. Fortunately, he was gone, as we, together with his brother and other relatives to the miniature wonderland set off, where we see enough of the details could not even lifted me and Chris, so I could look at the Christmas market. I could be out for some reason not help but imagine what it would be called out by him - "Mr. group child his little Julie in the restaurant" - but resisted the temptation to get lost.

proposed Unfortunately, in the late afternoon for a nasty cold, which made sure that I have on the rest of the time sleeping in Miwula a sofa and I spent last week was able to grapple with an unsavory herpes outbreak. But
Well .. now that's gone through, and overall it was a very, very nice weekend in which I was successfully integrated into the family group child and I have a very little bit of love in Hamburg. And on the Stammi I will from now appearing more frequently, if it can be set up.


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