Monday, October 11, 2010

Candy Centerpieces, Toronto

Mindfuck premiere.

Meanwhile, Chris and I have already seen some nice games behind us, and on the intellectual level and I have always found again how much this excites me mental games. Most of the previously performed Mindfucks are indeed too intimate, as I want to blog about it, but would the very first I want to describe here. For this we need a little bit to go back in time .. One fine day in May

was an innocent Julchen namely the glorious idea that they would quite like to get scared right time is chasing and informed promptly Chris. This wish he wanted me of course not turn and soon hatched a plan with the active support cherries: He would build a threatening scenario with scalpels, resolve the situation but trying to cut me, but grind a blunt scalpel and cut back gently back into the package.

The adversity came then when I next visit to me .. Without knowing I had it done, that he me with outstretched arms and legs on his back on my bed and tied the gag shoved in my mouth. With my composure and anticipation for the game but it was suddenly gone when he got an ominous box with a grin out of the bag - and a variety of needles, blades Scalpels and carefully lined up in my field. A thousand thoughts flashed through

my head as I watched him irritated, and I could feel panic rising in me. He would surely not .. he could not yet .. That was a taboo for me! To make matters worse, he leaned over me and whispered in my ear with pleasure that the blade was so sharp that I remember the cut at all, but would only increase the pressure and perceive a slight burning later.

's speech ignored my whimpering and blindfolded me before the blunt scalpel clearly audible from the box and took attaches to my shame. At present, I was stiff as a board and trembled as he moved slowly over my skin, inside out and torn between "Oh my God, he does it!" and "Maybe he just bluffing .." I was so trapped in myself that I mitbekam not, as he whispered soothing words to me.

Finally he removed the blindfold, let me examine the scalpel and told me that it was dull. But just when I was a sigh of relief, he opened a second with a sadistic smile and the words "It's still hot!" before he took it out of my field of vision and unnoticed again exchanged for the blunt. Then began the nerve-racking game all over again .. except that this time I was really convinced that it sharply I was and with enormous effort of will to force, lying there quietly.

felt a hundred years after he took the blade back from my skin and explained to me that he had changed the scalpels behind my head. Whether this revelation, I felt a bit disappointed, paradoxically, what he saw and asked me if he should use the sharp. This

I said yes, and he drew it with infinite care two or three times over my skin, so that the top layers of skin were injured, but no blood flowed. I watched him in awe, then closed his eyes and enjoyed every second .. the power he had at the time held - one false move and he would have can seriously wounded.

Since the day I find the idea of "real" Cutting very attractive .. maybe we'll try sometime soon.


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