Saturday, October 30, 2010

Painful, Itchy Rash After Shaving

mood for holiday knitting?

Well, it's today so far and "woman" can now register for the knitting holiday 2011 in Sternberg.

That works like this:

Under the appropriate e-mail address can be obtained the required registration form.
This is as fast as possible to access the site.

registration correctly fill out, sign and deliver by mail to the address provided.

not forget, the applications are considered in the order received, as space is limited.

All Today has the necessary information can be found on the registration form.

The latest information with a payment slip will be sent only when confirmation of the courses.

Got it?

Then 's not like going on.

for the knitting holiday week of Sunday 15 May to Friday 20 May 2011:
for the knitting holiday week of Sunday 24 July to Friday 29 July 2011:

I look forward to seeing you!

With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

... to all of you, until then, a good time to wish ...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Itchy Bumps On Pinky Toe

A weekend of family group child.

Um .. yes. I know that I currently sporadic blogging and am terribly behind the events - I will in the next Time trying to make up my behind. Therefore, at this point despite the most part vanilla experiences a report from the family because he was too great to not to write about it.

carefully trimmed and dressed up with a rose on his jacket (yes, I know .. kitsch factor of three), I climbed on 10/15/2010 at length from a subway train in Hamburg and Chris discovered on the opposite platform, after which we hochhechteten stairs and fell into the arms of us, glad we finally wiederzuhaben.

arrived in the cozy apartment, I was promptly attacked by his family and it was followed by a welcome round, which soon afterwards in the dining room The hotel was repeated on a larger scale. Although I admittedly have a crappy memory for names, I felt terribly spontaneous in the middle of this great pile of nice people well - an impression which should be confirmed in the coming days.

After looking at the lush and had a lot snacked on delicious dinner, and Chris and I went the other at the table due to our infatuation on his nerves were, we went to the Reeperbahn in the vague intention to drink a glass somewhere. As it turned out, although there were plenty of bright colorful flashing signs, relevant institution and his staff and party taxis with blue lights every minute - but no bar, we could have animated only approximately to leave our money there.

So we strolled through the streets and watch the characters around us. I felt both fascinated and appalled - it was almost like I was studying an alien life form me. I also registered amused, hard as the various businesses to customers tried - I could somehow just "Oh, how cute .." , After which I think seemed pretty wicked. This feeling was reinforced halted when Chris' family members before an ominous shop that claimed to serve perverse clientele, and the (harmless) display extensively examined.

Finally, it was Chris and me, us to hurry and we made a trip to the Boutique Bizarre, which turned out to be but as a relatively disappointing (and where I purposefully put my foot jumping - very typical Julie I'd missed the sign, which said that one should not make fun of loud pink sleeves with glitter star). Their dimension is impressive, but the very fact that it is large, there is little opportunity to consult extensively .. and its location ensures that visitors are most curious Vanillas, who want to see me, how vicious, but that's all.

The range was also because a high proportion of paint and Latexkram and the (unspeakable in my eyes) platform shoes. Although the selection of stainless steel toy and impact devices was considerable, and one of the porcelain vibrators, which I discovered in a display case at the entrance and also with my name, I will myself indulge at Christmas, but overall to me are the small shops in back yards and side streets where only perverts get lost every now and where you can also try things and can clearly prefer.

jump to Saturday morning where, after a royal breakfast - scrambled eggs and sausages! Stuffed tomatoes! Five different types of bread! Fruit salad and fruit or yogurt! Croissants! Cake! - On a beautiful city tour and a boat trip attended by the port. My art historians-heart was thrilled with the historic buildings and statues, so I Chris flooded with technical terms, waving wildly in the area and had to restrain myself to not jump for joy.

Unfortunately I managed this with the self-control in part - I spent the whole day and have fun playing it, I must confess, with the sometimes very provoking to the extreme. The poor afflicted man could do so in the middle of his relatives do not mind .. except to threaten me that he would therefore not play extra with me. Nuff. Fortunately, we tingelte after dinner the Hamburg Stammi, where he was because even adequately respond to my pester and we've talked nicely with those present.

Then we moved on to some Stammiteilnehmern unbeatable, which turned out to be a comfortable location, even if our presence in the average age dropped loosely in half, and we were eyed by the gentry but gestandeneren a bit confused. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of ordering virtually no alcohol experience a Pina Colada and thus to shoot me with a cocktail. In the USB myself I only noticed that I was angeschwipst easy on the way home, however, was difficult to walk on my high boots and I felt increasingly disoriented.

And in fact - the morning after I had a damn cat. Fortunately, he was gone, as we, together with his brother and other relatives to the miniature wonderland set off, where we see enough of the details could not even lifted me and Chris, so I could look at the Christmas market. I could be out for some reason not help but imagine what it would be called out by him - "Mr. group child his little Julie in the restaurant" - but resisted the temptation to get lost.

proposed Unfortunately, in the late afternoon for a nasty cold, which made sure that I have on the rest of the time sleeping in Miwula a sofa and I spent last week was able to grapple with an unsavory herpes outbreak. But
Well .. now that's gone through, and overall it was a very, very nice weekend in which I was successfully integrated into the family group child and I have a very little bit of love in Hamburg. And on the Stammi I will from now appearing more frequently, if it can be set up.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Bleeding In The Vajina

Knitting Holiday 2011

I am glad that I you already
data may be known for the 2011 holiday knitting

Sunday 15 May to Friday 20 May 2011


Sunday 24 July to Friday 29 July 2011

are planned holiday knitting again in Sternberg.

Starting next Sunday here on the blog,
the appropriate information to obtain the registration forms to Available and as always,
registrations will be accepted in order of receipt.

I thank you for your interest in the holiday knitting,
because without you this would not at all possible.
I am now back to knitting exciting days in Sternberg,
with many enthusiastic knitting knitting women.

With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fotos Navideñas Hot

schnappszahl birthday.

Well .. Today, on 21/10/2010, the wonderful group of children, currently my very favorite small Subbie, twenty-one. This must be celebrated, so I will after I order in my wonderful Proseminar 8:15 have set, gift, muffins and a backpack on the train and head heave me on the trip to him.

Chris, I wish you a wonderful birthday - I'm pretty happy that you exist. ;-) I love you.

Oh yes .. and we will see who subsequently gets the birthday hoe.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Cuddle Guinea Pig

Friday 15 Thursday 14 October

Now, our knitting days Sternberg already over.
The last time we shared the knitting needles in hand.
The last questions are asked and answered.
The last joint lunch is enjoyed.
We'll need to take leave and look forward to the next holiday knitting.

was needled very diligently to Sternberg and it can be much good to show what has emerged in these days, and was also continued.

The puzzle pattern has initially, with as few headaches cause, but suddenly it was much clear and up to Friday was so much knitting particles.

Here the Friday Pictures of Heidi, Judith and Suzanne

The Ten was valid in April 2010 already has a theme and Elisabeth busy in the meantime needled and brought her up to that resulting work well and in between weitergenadelt it.

This beauty has enticed Herta is also equal to the Ten theme to look and sound of this virus has affected them quite a bit.

The same principle is the triangle knit and has the knitters Judith, Elizabeth, Suzanne and Bea tempted to inspire each other to uncover the secret of Dreieckstrickens and very eagerly
they wanted to know what effect the next color.

Even the stairs cube pattern was again struck and has Vreni worked his way up step by step.

A magnificent motley crew knit women have enjoyed the days in Sternberg, laughed together, knit and new things learned each other motivated and supported.

It remains to me only, I thank all of you
and I hope you all arrived safely at home.

A big thanks also to the crew of the Star Mountain, which we also has spoiled these days so wonderful.

Once again it was very nice with all of you on the Sternberg and I heartily wish you much joy on the needles at home, not too big question mark and achieve your ambitions.

exercise in patience we are curious what will become of the property in knitting and maybe we will meet again on the Sternberg.

With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

the ... a little annoyed that some photos can not be easily shown right here and so far has not come back this secret ...

Can You Die From Alip Polyp

half a year.

went one fine Friday in April, it is that after a five-hour drive on a bench in front of the scout house near Bad Nauheim, which took place in the CT, was sitting. My heart threatened almost to burst with excitement and fear - what am I doing? He could only be disappointed, had already determined a glossy ideal picture of me in the head would be made, against which I can only lose ..

Cherry, an awfully nice girl, I knew at the time a few hours stressed me calm down my spine as I thought through this and herwälzte. I winced at every car that appeared in the distance, and after an eternity, I felt Chris did get out in the parking lot snazzy, dressed in suit, and look around searching.

hot, cold, hot, cold .. what should I do? Wait, go for it? Finally Sevensins delivered me by my hand and took the first steps was to me .. the last meters I am running into his arms, and then we have embraced quite cliché and romantic. And yes, if he had not held me tight, I would be slapped on the tarmac - my knees were literally smooth.

I do not know how long we stood there and kept us only .. Finally, I grinned sheepishly up at him and fell naturally to me of nothing better than to note that he was great. In my defense let me say that this was the first time I ever close to being a male in this way was, and continued its presence alone is a hopeless feeling in motion roller coaster.

His surprise kiss-attack, which he performed shortly thereafter, was definitely not helpful - I was it quite by surprise and could only do a fish-like response. His comment: "You smacking!" Well. Teenager Moment No. 1 in a long line at the weekend ..

When he trusts me that I could use my legs back to normal, we finally went to the house, and half an hour later I already had the first slap in the face of it sit .. and the same evening I made with spring steel whip his acquaintance. Well-meaning people at that time were worried about me, since there for a bloody beginner pretty quickly went, but they would not need to worry - it was good that I am such a start in the cold water had, even if I have the method is far each would recommend.

It just felt a hundred percent correct - a look, and the battle lines were clear. Each would have brakes, the energy intensity in which we could engage on one another diminished, and would have felt dissonant. And it was very beautiful. On Monday after that I felt like Cinderella after the ball returns to her old life - only that I had taken a glass shoe, the leather collar and a few bruises.

The weekend seemed so unreal, too perfect. I still could not quite realize that happens to me something so beautiful and that he really wanted to see again - but that he wanted. And so I was nervous at the station in early May, to make him piece by piece into my hitherto rather uneventful life, which he mixed up swirled as successful. Another visit followed, then one with him ..

now six months have passed since that fateful April day passed. They even let me set up Balance
six meetings. Eight trips through half of Germany, depending on me and on his side. Forty-six full and part thereof days when we could enjoy the proximity of the other beautiful things have taken, have played. Countless hours in which we are using SMS, chats, phone calls, webcams have talked to each other, we were close, despite the 450 km between us.

half a year full of love and devotion, the kind of love, which I believed until recently that it could only occur in the lives of others, to me, beaming with joy about it, but not guaranteed in my own withdrawn wallflower life.

I love you, Chris .. I love you so much. And I hope that our time never-never-never ends.

PS: Right now I am the way, in a nice guesthouse in Hamburg in bed and asleep, so I'm well rested for later - we will do great things with his family and show up later when Stammi. Sigh, my life is so beautiful.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Online Version Of The Sweataer

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Thank you Elizabeth for your support in reporting:

Well, it has been so far been knitting a lot and for the less experienced patchwork knitters, the question remained implementing the ideas in the mind to reality now open.
Damaris on Thursday morning showed many vivid examples of how this can be done and some is one or the other light dawned
(other issues emerge then probably to wait until we are home and what do we do without just Damaris?
This is hard, really hard!) .

but that we were all really busy, was the first finished pieces.

Here Connie's first Revontuli.
started on Sunday, ends on Thursday ... Compliment!

More heart warmer,
the one with the herringbone pattern and
other knitted with one patch.
The first shown here warmers immediately have a new found home,
at our "slumber mother Sabine.

tried some of them * * Triangle knitters to use the afternoon for the first 100g involved have ready access to, and finally to the new color may be. Well, 420 lm're still a long way until they are caught.

Even today, Thursday, we love getting a surprise visit, as well as Silvia wanted to spend a few hours and with us.

We are always here again visit to Sternberg.

see worry lines with all of us approaching the Friday, where it is again: "Adieu Sternberg, see you soon hopefully!

Until then, we are still the last hours in full Trains
and our newly acquired name
enjoy knitting chicken * * * and knitting bees *
von Sternberg prove worthy of ...

Milena Velba Washing A Car

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Elizabeth helps to find the right words:

on Wednesday was re-knitted busily, the needles were glowing, the wool disappeared (unfortunately not always as fast as hoped ) smoked and minds.

Querbeet was much knitted: Triangle, Puzzle, Ten-Stitch, Revontulli, zigzagged along Spitz knitted strips, children sweaters and so on .... Some waited again and again looking forward to the next challenge - ie corners - others were glad when they were not as fast.

Damaris But let us not get away so easily and called us again: We learned the I-cord end and were all thrilled!

But in between were also tears of laughter and strickgeschwatzt * *
not only over the ropes. The subjects were all sorts of experiences and plans the way through to tongues (as they can and also cook at all, what they are use to ...).

What probably has Käthi (she was here in April 2010 and had a longing)
thought your surprise visit to Sternberg love with us?

A participant in the evening we were a little untrue, and drove into an operetta idea (yes, so, who can not plan ...).
That for them was a surprise was being prepared, knitting honor!

Have you seen? Since a particle is tuned, should not be there.

good that we Steinshof the team every day so wonderfully cared for, otherwise some would have collapsed at midnight on the knitting needle ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Purevision Vs Softlens Toric

Monday 11 October 2010

Well, what is there to talk about Tuesday?

It is a violent virus * * broken on Sternberg.

all, well almost all women have knitted incessantly on its Ten-stitch project, whether triangular or rectangular knitted. Since there was no time for anything else.

A knitting woman, she is the way, came from Bavaria, the topic has devoted long pointed strip and enjoyed the situation, the course management, almost all by myself to have for themselves. But it has the attempt it so much, the course management could take up knitting needles and attempt it has a very small project.

mittens, the "herringbone pattern" knit in the round.

A couple of very steadfast knitting women at the first ray of sunlight has been shown to coincide with knitting needles placed into the open until they felt then that there have been a bit fresh.

The lunch time is sometimes actually a little used for recreation and Kopfauslüften and walked a few steps to experience the idyll of Sternberg.

What If Wednesday does well?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Trebuchet Blueprints

October 2010

With a lot of impatience is knitted on Sunday the puzzle pattern.
It should prove that it really is a small nut to crack like this and it had quite a few hurdles are overcome.
But we do not deny yourself the amazing Anstrickbilder.

On Monday, then knit some women with much curiosity and anticipation the issue with the triangle or rectangular Ten Stitch
busy and there are already wonderful Anstrickbilder.

Yes, here on the Sternberg is needled very busy, there is hardly time to eat and drink and the days seem now to have a lot to a few hours.
Despite this, we observe the evening that the persistent fog dissolves so slowly and wander a little look into the distance lies.

is Laughed and discussed between very quiet and peaceful moments when knit with a lot of concentration and counted.

In the course of the day caused the Free keywords.
The slogan of Monday is definitely:
"intentionally goofy" Can
you present your how we laughed as this fall?

with a positive look into a hopefully sunny, beautiful and instructive Tuesday we say goodbye until next time
The knitting addict knitting women Sternberg

Candy Centerpieces, Toronto

Mindfuck premiere.

Meanwhile, Chris and I have already seen some nice games behind us, and on the intellectual level and I have always found again how much this excites me mental games. Most of the previously performed Mindfucks are indeed too intimate, as I want to blog about it, but would the very first I want to describe here. For this we need a little bit to go back in time .. One fine day in May

was an innocent Julchen namely the glorious idea that they would quite like to get scared right time is chasing and informed promptly Chris. This wish he wanted me of course not turn and soon hatched a plan with the active support cherries: He would build a threatening scenario with scalpels, resolve the situation but trying to cut me, but grind a blunt scalpel and cut back gently back into the package.

The adversity came then when I next visit to me .. Without knowing I had it done, that he me with outstretched arms and legs on his back on my bed and tied the gag shoved in my mouth. With my composure and anticipation for the game but it was suddenly gone when he got an ominous box with a grin out of the bag - and a variety of needles, blades Scalpels and carefully lined up in my field. A thousand thoughts flashed through

my head as I watched him irritated, and I could feel panic rising in me. He would surely not .. he could not yet .. That was a taboo for me! To make matters worse, he leaned over me and whispered in my ear with pleasure that the blade was so sharp that I remember the cut at all, but would only increase the pressure and perceive a slight burning later.

's speech ignored my whimpering and blindfolded me before the blunt scalpel clearly audible from the box and took attaches to my shame. At present, I was stiff as a board and trembled as he moved slowly over my skin, inside out and torn between "Oh my God, he does it!" and "Maybe he just bluffing .." I was so trapped in myself that I mitbekam not, as he whispered soothing words to me.

Finally he removed the blindfold, let me examine the scalpel and told me that it was dull. But just when I was a sigh of relief, he opened a second with a sadistic smile and the words "It's still hot!" before he took it out of my field of vision and unnoticed again exchanged for the blunt. Then began the nerve-racking game all over again .. except that this time I was really convinced that it sharply I was and with enormous effort of will to force, lying there quietly.

felt a hundred years after he took the blade back from my skin and explained to me that he had changed the scalpels behind my head. Whether this revelation, I felt a bit disappointed, paradoxically, what he saw and asked me if he should use the sharp. This

I said yes, and he drew it with infinite care two or three times over my skin, so that the top layers of skin were injured, but no blood flowed. I watched him in awe, then closed his eyes and enjoyed every second .. the power he had at the time held - one false move and he would have can seriously wounded.

Since the day I find the idea of "real" Cutting very attractive .. maybe we'll try sometime soon.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Danbury Mint Vase 6448

Sternberg us again ...

Elizabeth, one of the knitting holiday participants
writes on Sunday 10 October 2010:

After our arrival at the unfortunately foggy Sternberg, Damaris spoiled us with the welcome drink, followed by the first good meal that had us Steinshof team cooked.

And then it went off at last! We worked to start with the all-new puzzle pattern that Damaris has itself created. Us did not want to take everything and "forced" us to draw the pattern myself and think through, we started in good spirits - not always successful at the first attempt - and could over time more and more understanding for the new pattern. But of course - as always - there were some setbacks (pronounced 'return-knitting) to survive ...

good that we Sabine and her team in between provides a beautiful cake and we were able to draw new strength. Towards evening, smoking their heads and some switched to a brought work that went a little out of hand or automatically by the needle! And already been eaten and drunk again ... and then again knitted ... and on drinking ... and all this late into the night

Unfortunately you can upload for any reason at the moment no pictures, or only on the head ... tz, tz, tz,
Maybe works out later ...

Can I Shower With Tiffanys Sterling Silver

to a rainbow ..

.. reminds me of this soap. I had to test even the color of the GF. I think Plum, Red, Pink is really a blast. Furthermore, even flowers Orange, Sunset Yellow by Behawe. Although not a perfect film soap become, but that does not bother me at all. Scented with proven thickening PoE and PoE Plumeria Juicy Baby by Daystar, which will not thicken, but it does but if you eat enough.

I do set my bow in the clouds, which will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
And if it happens that I run the clouds over the earth, then shall you see my bow in the clouds.
first Deuteronomy 9.13,14

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where Can I Get Shiny Wrapping Paper?

puzzle pattern vest

Jupiiii ... knitting vacation closer by the day.

must now we sleep only 3,
then can we start together.

is just in time Now my vest,
with the new one, designed by me * * puzzle pattern finished.

I've knitted with needle Thickness 3.5

The material I used different merino wool,
with a barrel length of 150 / 160 m per 50 chosen program.

on the whole, I have caught about 450 grams.
from 8 colors I had only ever a ball available.
The 9th Color is my color.

The vest has a length of about 63 cm
and a bust size of about 100 cm
Now I wish you all a good future ,
enjoy pack your bags and enough space in the luggage
for all desired ball.

sleep With kind regards, knitting
your Damaris

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Late Period Cervical Discharge

Other desired topics are ...

only 5 times.

Yes, the time is running me about it, the belly starts to tingle, and the sleepless nights, I use to knit chord.

" laughing" all sooo bad it is not so.

Well, the following topics were also required and are thus also in the knitting holiday from October 2010 his theme:

- Spitz Strip and its facilities
- One of patches and their variations
- Stair cube pattern

You see, even This time we have a wide range of topics.
Variety is so worried
and there will be much to see and discuss.

With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is It Anxiety Muscle Twinges

Lavender Rose

layer soap Divider, stained with Pink (GF), ultramarine violet. ÄÖ scented with Lavender / Lavandin / patchouli and phytoestrogen English Rose (GF). The hearts behold indeed more like pink sheets from, but I like it very well. A mini-flaw is the soda ash, which in kind but looks more "picturesque". The combined scent harmonizes very well. Two handful of silk are also moved into yet.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Complain Letter About Disconnection Of Enternet

After looking for from what?

Right! The "Packerl" from the hydrolysis-SB. Nearly 35 kg of fat / oils. Actually, I would have to boil the next few months only? Let's see what comes out!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Polaris Snowmobile Suspension Upgrade


The blood enters the cheek and winch I embarrassed myself trying to avert their eyes from the screen and it foundered. The fact that he can see me, but I have only his voice, because his webcam spins of indefinable reasons, is not helpful at the moment .. other hand, has so Chris made a great effect on me, and if I still have to endure his eyes ..

Defiantly I bite my lip and I refuse to say it, challenge it, driven by the desire to win and lose simultaneously. Promptly increased the resolute tone of his voice takes on a harsh, almost metallic timbre that sweeps over my back and between my legs and I can cramp. The exact text of his threats, I am certainly not everything was right, I'm too much from the sound of his voice captured like a rabbit that stares at the snake hypnotized.

The tension between us is palpable, and finally I do not consider it any longer. "Yes, sir," I whisper, looking down like a shy child. At the same time I feel safe and protected and inwardly rejoice that the Spark that was during my Krankseinphase only on glow, has ignited with such force again .. lately, my inner Subbie has often felt a little disoriented, but now I know again where I belong.

I'm his little girl, his kitten, his exclusive property, and that makes me very happy about.

Friday, October 1, 2010

W.m. Rogers & Sons/ China

The countdown is on ...

Yes, my dear holiday knitting knitting women ,
now we just need to sleep eight times already and we meet at the Sternberg.

high time to tune in a bit.

I am happy that I think you Triangle can already show that I
yesterday was photographed in the bright autumn weather and the colors are really coming to bear.
Yes, I have decided on a bold color combination and I am excited because now fits my perfect triangle in my wardrobe.
from the front and from behind
I've knit my triangle with the
hand-dye-effect of the House Regia.
420 m / 100 g
3 mm needles
started I went with the color No. 06 551
continue it with the colors No. 06 552, 06 556, and last but not the color No. 06 558
entanglement I have just under 350 grams.
As end edge I opted for the I Cord, for this edge finish looks equally good on both sides.

Another topic that we will be looking ...

I wish you a wonderful weekend
and am already looking forward to seeing you today.

For me it is still much to do and therefore, I will spend this, among other things, with the knitting needles.

With best regards, knitting
Eure Damaris Keller