Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Is The Current Crr And Slr Rate Dec 2010


Some days, I constantly feel as if my heart was swollen and uncomfortable would press against the ribs. I cringe when I meet someone on the street who even remotely looks like he has his nose or his hair, and I have always again remember that the route, which represented before not too long ago looking for a seemingly endless vacation trip, now lies between us.

Fortunately, the missing not always so bad - after three weeks in August, I was the first day when I was alone, even a little glad for my freedom. My small shared flat is just for two people in it - caused by bad weather - any squat, quickly constricting. But now it's pretty hard to endure somehow .. mainly because I feel as if we the days two weeks ago could not make the best use because in my skin (I'm Neurodermitikerin) so bad.

This is the main disadvantage at a distance relationship, I think - time is incredibly precious, and when you hang around even just apathetic in the area, while the love is there, it is much faster frustrated as it normally would be. Now that I have until 16.10. wait, I'm obviously very healthy and would love to do a thousand things with him, not to mention a noticeable game deficit completely. Typical.

But all Motzen Maulen and helps yes but nothing, so I try, the waiting time that is not filled in by letter and phone calls together to use as a constructive, read a lot, watch movies in an entrepreneurial, something .. The usual distraction strategies indicated. Currently: Topical crafts - in addition to a project for his birthday I've stitched a "woman Gruki" sweatshirt and oversized cups, which he bought to make his coffee-addicted girlfriend's life, painted.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Menards Remote Ceiling Fan

I? Masochistic? Never.

This game is a bit dated - from the second to last visit in August. The experience has me even more clear that I deny my masochistic side no more, although I was the rock-solid opinion at the beginning of my experimentation, I would be a pure D / s type .. tja.

The world is melting, condensed, focused on this space. Only this time, he and I, my lord and his girl .. my heart pulsates in anxious anticipation, as he puts leather cuffs around my wrists and binds me to the bed. I feel like I'm soft and malleable, as he takes possession of me by that action, whispering things to me, make me cringe on a thoroughly enjoyable way. With a typical oblique Gruki-smile he puts a pillow under my hips and caressing me before he started to beat me.

first I twist myself moaning and whining, because I do not manage to let myself fall into the pain, but then it will come at a time. I claw myself in the rope, while my residual body relaxed and not trying to guess what he just hurts me. Suddenly, however, I am torn rudely from my state of uncertainty and accept the guilty once again - damn dressage whip with its tail that is wrapped in common as each stroke of my hand and brings me so completely off balance.

compensated Fortunately, however, the subsequent cane for the ills suffered. His impact on my skin is certainly palpable, but I guess its true pain miraculously not as pain but as a massage, stretch my ass against the floor and begin to formally purr. First announced as Chris, that the originally intended punishment was reached and asked if I wanted to go, I will again realized that I really should not enjoy, and grinning triumphantly into the pillow, before I say yes to his question.

Unfortunately I had not expected that the cane is so versatile - the next let me shock of surprise and regret my decision aufquieken immediately. Oh, damn .. he is determined this time to let me suffer real, and runs through the iron. So whine and zetere I like in the beginning, keep the ordeal through with gritted teeth and breathe a sigh of relief when he finally moves back to the pleasant shock, and me again to melt.

I have to learn definitely acting, so I can hide how much I can like the pain now .. though, I'm afraid this is a futile exercise. Crap.

Friday, September 10, 2010

What Does The Myth An Itchy Thumb Mean

cherry season anecdotes.

As always, we both enjoyed themselves immensely experienced some slapstick and mature situations. Somehow seemed the dominant theme of this visit to be chocolate - examples?

Case 1: After we left TOXYD wanted to Anna and her friend must have the hardware store to buy locks for the newly acquired collar. No sooner said than done .. We enjoyed it, as many verpervertierbare make objects identified to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various castles and entertained the whole queue at the checkout, I fear. Anna so while they reviewed the article in the grab bag: "Oh, Look, chocolate chips, and none of us can eat" Your friend has a milk allergy that is, they had pressed him for a white chocolate and cocoa products ban anyway and I get a permanent ban sweets ..

Case 2: On the same evening, I talked with Chris and still had a taunting remark about I do not remember what made when she said that I had better say nothing, after all, they've both against me and him against something in his hand. Of course had Chris overhear this and force me to prompt him to say what I would have made me vulnerable to blackmail .. I had Anna namely confided that I had eaten, contrary to the rules of Nutella with a spoon from the jar. I felt bad about my last visit with her remembers where it was also somewhat compromising slipped out. After all this time I had not handcuffed in the corner, kneel.

Case 3: The tide turned but the next morning at the breakfast table, where I gleefully back and forth, wondering if I should eat honey or Nutella and I finally chose the latter. "Within must eat the meals so sweet and you? "what they" Want me to offer some chocolate again? "resigned. The day before she had me that is very sneaky and tempted my mouth with a detailed description of her chocolate delicacies made watery -. but I'm still strong And I still like .. I'm so good-natured and patient

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ice Skates For Mensize 15

first toy purchases.

Last night I returned tired but happy from my visit back to my favorite cherry. . The two days with her were really nice, even though I was struck on Thursday somehow a bit - possibly from the extensive shopping tour on Wednesday Hamburg.

After a bit of vanilla and the purchase of lingerie shopping we made our first, namely on the way to the headlines. The journey there proved to have an adventure, since we both have apparently zero sense of direction .. but what the heck. It was always funny, even, because Anna had had a media ban pressed by her boyfriend and constantly suddenly turn away from advertising displays and kiosks had to.

Finally we reached the store yet but who hides in a side street and, ironically, was right next to a kindergarten. There I discovered the steel gag, I had been eagerly eyed the net, and decided after testing the Balls and a "Who gets your mouth then?" - Competition for buying it. I was even 4 € discount, so I feel motivated to come back. I can now confirm that he met my requirements - more than grumble and I can not dribble it.

After further Herumgeirre we finally met Anna's friend, and went together to TOXYD shop that was something bigger and even signposted from the street. However, I was with the clothes in the store - except the corset - do much .. I'm just not a fetishist, at least not much. And on vinyl, leather and latex, I can definitely do without.

The large Selection of clips, however exercised a greater attraction on me .. Who would have thought that there are so many different mechanisms to annoy someone. With home finally came after a second try a few more common, the one of a kind and not even represented on the website were .. I regret it half that I've bought, but now I will not let go too. Ouch.

I also was pondering long before a terminal testicles, she bought but not yet - the material I did not seem high enough, and I do not know if I could now Gruki torture even so, I'm just too soft heart .. Kindly, I was allowed to TOXYD then even a vanilla candle with "Soft Vanilla Kisses' take.

Sorry SM stores are scarce in Germany, as far as I know, but if you have the opportunity to visit one, they should also take to be able to check even the stuff on quality .. I had ordered two weeks ago a flogger from Ebay, its processing has not knocked me out. The conversation with the sellers is an additional specialties, as they not only advice (Hint: They can in the Black Rose in Duisburg great lace corset!) Have to tell some entertaining stories.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Make A Dummy Phone Wrk

Oat Milk & Honey

An extremely popular standard soap, which I always have in stock. Inside are a lot of nourishing oils such as olive and macadamia, next shea and cocoa butter, castor oil and lanolin. The base oils are almost always like coconut, palm, and canola oil.

dyed with iron ochres and cocoa powder, brightened with a little titanium white.

scented with the ultimate, incomparable oatmeal milk & honey fragrance oil of Brambleberry.

For creamy foam I had not saved with oat milk cream.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Long Disappear Gonorrhea Symptoms


Lately I've certainly Had an opportunity topsige other person other than Chris to know and sometimes experience "in action" and it has become clear to me some new things that I need to play partners and do not need. Since I am still not too complicated sentence structures can be comfortable, there is again a list .. need not be all a yard long text, yes. The

pleased my inner Subbielein immensely:
  • intelligence, with all that goes with it. This may sound conceited, but I like it when my Dom can be expressed articulate, creative and has taught me the feeling that I take him seriously outside of the game and me, at least with him on Eye level can be maintained.
  • The ability to read me, and not only with regard to safety aspects. "I would say no, my but actually yes' situations are with me more or less the norm, and Chris manages mostly even in difficult cases where I myself about what I want, am not fully aware, my to decipher signals and act accordingly .. hach. Make yourself seen through is something good.
  • conscious use of voice and looks. Unfortunately, in my opinion are far too many too fast dome active - well, that is, of course depending on the situation, but generally I love verbal cat-and-mouse games in which He is driving me slowly into a corner, chasing me shivers up the back and my knees can be soft. Quote, before Chris and I have met real: "Actually, I could put myself on the bed and get up just to do what I want."
  • spontaneity. I'm not SM'ler who plans meticulously and its sessions are recorded in his diary - the kind developed by Chris and I always automatically mean that we have desire to play and pure slip because of cuddling her. An exception is the most punishing actions, which is indeed what the anxious expectation. vote
  • The package must be simple and broadcasting .. otherwise he does not act to me, even if he claims to be, in some areas to be as good and perhaps even more.

I can do without, however on
  • showy, exaggerated tominantes occurrence. Yeah, you're just trying too hard, you .. No, honestly. Since I will immediately suspicious and ask his real abilities in doubt. The same goes for people that are fast loud - because germinates on the suspicion that they think differently to make no impression. Here are quiet threats in an icy tone of voice as much as goose bumps generating Gorilla roar ..
  • Extreme rudeness. Solid tackling, yes, but if he does not there and I must fear that he hurt me seriously, then I get scared. Very sexy, however, is precision, determination, and an extensive knowledge of what he does with me .. One does not a car without it before and learn to take an examination.
  • For me, appearing weird fetishes (I'm definitely not a patent leather-latex-type) and an unkempt appearance and doubtful. Eat with your eyes finally, and I also have a claim. What else am I name-Subbie?
  • The consensus now I have not mentioned separately because it should be clear that I would prefer to not even consider playing with people from SSC and taboos have never heard or think that their sub would live only for them and their full property is. In contrast, I'm Safe Words split opinion .. but that's material for another entry.
ups. And I wanted to but now take a short time .. naja. No matter.