Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Concealer Dark

It's complicated .. or so.

No, we have no fundamental relationship problems, but due to the fact that Chris and I are both switch level and play together, we struggled in the recent past with a bit of confusion .. but to the chaos as a comprehensible manner, I will tell the best from the beginning.

Initially we had a pure Dom-sub relationship with him as a cathedral - I had at the time but already had a few fantasies, but based only on women who first and second, I doubt strongly that I could ever implement and would do if some day I would have the chance. I felt so broadly as a hundred-percent Subbie and saw no reason to change that something.

Although I made every now and then thought it would look like the future, because I knew that he switcher and he would be able to live with me only one side of his affections, but repressed it again first, and calmed myself with that if we should be ready and he would have the desire, they want to play back down, we can determine the rules would somehow.

Well - had at our second meeting, this Concern then discharged since he awakened more or less randomly, the Cathedral side of me and I had a surprising amount of fun to bite my beloved scratch and slap .. Percussion instruments and bonds should follow later, after I degraded piece by piece, the inhibitions to hurt him.

The doubts whether his friend who had just been to the fearsome cathedral, can be quite horribly common, without losing its effect is lost, there were definitely for me after the events no longer. With me and Chris, it's like this, that we change both of us pretty much in gestures, facial expressions and voice, when we go from a warehouse other To change so it is not difficult to separate the DOM version of the sub-version of it.

I want to take a stand with the prejudice clean up, a switch would be "less" Sub or Dom as "real" full-time subs and Doms, but some strange intermediate beings, in which both tendencies are always present. Which at least for me beleibe not - admittedly, if we do not see long-distance relationship due, I have as often times toppige daydreaming, although I have the necklace wear or fantasies of both forms at a fast rate, but when we play, I'm either with skin and hair or subbig toppig - there are no intermediate tones.

The intensity of gambling has not changed significantly since I was mutated to the switch designer. Of course, needs a power differential time to consolidate, but if it is safe first up, it is irrelevant that I would torture him in other circumstances as well .. I am his property and he completely delivered.

What would bring us more or less where the cause of our confusion: To date, the shares of our inclinations were not balanced - he was clearly the more dominant part and in the longer term top, while my Toppen limited to one or two sessions has, and my inner Subbie felt quite comfortable with it. I might need the assurance that he take the reins in doubt in the hand and practically force me down.

now I realize, however, that shifting my affections, I more and more desire to get Toppen and he just falls and increasingly, in its sub-role and we would like to try then both the other side .. the device but with our 24/7-artigen structure in the dominant constellation in conflict.

Actually we have always the case that I am for the period in which I'm up, do not follow the rules, and vice versa .. longer-term Write sentences as punishment but it is unfavorable, if I, before I had fulfilled the task again will toppig. In addition, we are currently quite often to waver and, I really see as the main difficulty of the switches, that is, if you hold both sides would like to live out happy, you should still opt for a longer period for when would value the power gap and sets no hopeless cause confusion. The fluctuation also means that we often end up both on the sub-page and no one feels impelled to become toppig .. ah yes. We are although most of the time a good team and go at each other from, but unfortunately it does not work forever.

regard is the issue there are a few suggestions that I feel not as helpful - what good is it if we auswürfeln or specify who is on certain days above and our passions are controlled not such that we run through the then can and have fun doing it?

Then while the continuity and stability would be guaranteed, but both he and I are not particularly happy with the situation, as we should ignore our respective state of mind, if he is not covered by the Specified. Our inclination is still pretty much from the mood and stress level dependent - you can see, it is complicated. I still hope that we both find a solution, I, greedy man, I'm not want to miss out to enjoy both sides with him .. this, it is simply too beautiful. bring


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