Saturday, November 27, 2010

Paintball Chicagosuburbs

first Advent


In Advent by candlelight
childhood are you thinking of again.
An Advent wreath with the candles
peace can flow into our hearts.
Des hectic year slowly fades
finally finds peace and contemplation.
One day, he can hardly be better
as in Advent by candlelight.

Elise Hennek

Friday, November 26, 2010

Make My Sony Dvp-sr200p Region Free

news from the soap kitchen

I finally phytoestrogens Ginger Souffle (Behawe) saponified. I love this scent! Have taken no titanium to lighten, marbled with cocoa powder. The fragrance oil darkens somewhat. Much oat cream to make a fine creamy shower soap from it.

A simple insert soap smells after Sweet Pea!

A cheeky rascal is this soap, scented with a blend of kumquat, neroli and Juicy Baby. Stained with Sunshine Yellow, Red and Brilliant Orange.

That's it for me first time this year.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Big Bang Theaory Megastreaming

puzzle pattern ...

I am always happy to's New
when I get photos of knitting holiday participants.
So yesterday evening done by phone.

Suzanne K. was one of the participants in the
knitting holiday from October 2010 .
One of the issues was indeed the puzzle pattern * *
and Suzanne has spent countless hours with it.

has also to follow my advice and really dug again in their Odds and ends, because that is the puzzle pattern is really excellent.

Now you have, just in time for winter
finished your puzzle-pattern sweater .
look for themselves what has come of it.

love Suzanne K.
that we can admire your finished here, great work.
A big compliment!

Heart Surgery Care Packages

What's in a name?

"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Well, Julia is the thing with the names not care, but I had to finally find that I sometimes the right address at the right moment it is more important than thought. Some people can even "treasure" not generally stand and prefer more exotic pet names, but in normal, non-stressed D / s to everyday situations, I like it very much, so named by him - but in situations where the power differential acute, it seems somehow inappropriate.

for me has too much the connotation of equality and pulls me out of the impending game - .. out - or even seriously well, "walk-three-hole mare" I would definitely not hear from his mouth, but a "young lady" with a subsequent dramatic pause in this special, dangerous calm tone that makes me cringe instinctively wrong, its effect as good as ever. Also nice "little one" and "my little girl," are, and I think that name in one of the moments in which we are not about to us to deepen in perverse activities, but still felt the unequal distribution of power in the air, very much like it.

A different feeling call it, "bitch" and "naughty, naughty, etc. thing" out .. these terms I have also about clearly to my predicament, but they do not necessarily conjure up the feeling of being small and defenseless as the above-mentioned words. And still others would be spoken to without a certain possessive pronoun in front of it absolutely unacceptable to me - "bitch" on its own as my playing mood would at least put a damper sensitive. It's amazing how much can result in a single word ..

Friday, November 19, 2010

Can A Samurai Sword Cut Through A Gun Barrel?

more applications are received ...

is equipped in this beautiful little "Hallenbädli"
this with a counter-current,
you could relax,
should have accumulated too many knitting hours ...
(use also included in the package)

Current situation of the final room assignment is:

Sunday 15 to Friday 20 May 2011: 5 rooms
Sunday 24 to Friday 29th July 2011: 5 rooms

"woman" can still register.
The relevant application forms and how it works in the two previous post described exactly ...

We look forward to joint Knitting days Sternberg,
where, incidentally, already the first snow has fallen, knitting enthusiasts
patchwork with many knitters.

I wish everyone a good time and look forward to further applications.
matter which direction they will come?
There are still open questions ...

With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Connecting A Hard Drive To A Lcd Tv

stamp technique

I was now asked on many occasions, I stemple my soaps.
Salina has settled in the soap stamp hiking package from the Soap forum for instructions.
I have the only copies, and I must say, NO MORE CRUSHED SOAP.
Ok. It is somewhat expensive, but worth the effort.
Have fun!
With sculpture, which is available in any hardware store,
trace the contours of the plunger.
This then looks like this.

about scraping the tool with a half inches deep.

take a Patzen soap and push again.

stamp with mica dusting or whatever. Do I brush with perfectly ordinary.

pushing in and ..


Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Is A Normal Period Like?

poetry experiment No.1.

Disclaimer: I make no claim to quality and relevance of those texts, was also warned of overflowing schmaltzy. Male being is therefore advised to read no more.

I lived my life, my
Went straight
The way seemed marked out to me -
Not particularly spectacular, but it does
safety factor
good enough for me - I thought

Then you came disguised as a nice guy
sneaked up quietly at me with kind words
taunts and teasing
Until I trusted you And
- unnoticed by myself -
Something like .. hm ..
affection built.

But unexpectedly one day
Did you fallow me off balance
seduced me
lured me into the labyrinth of my desires
And shewed me that sometimes
Meandering paths
impulsivity - spontaneity
make drunk with happiness. I confess

I never expected that would happen

I underestimated you but
And you thought a friend,
No more, no less -
But now I know
That you are worthy to be
My Lord.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Back Of Head Starts Pulsing

Stamped soaps

Have used nearly 90 soaps to the Salina method. Ie. Soap scrape out knead, push in again and then stamped with gold dust.
The sweet smell of Honey bee bee sweet (Sensory Perfection), and with iron brown.
The angel smells Heavenly (VS Type) which is not as mine, and is colored with pink clay.
The mare's milk soap smells Vahine (Grace Fruit), one of my must-haves.
Christmas can come!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Concealer Dark

It's complicated .. or so.

No, we have no fundamental relationship problems, but due to the fact that Chris and I are both switch level and play together, we struggled in the recent past with a bit of confusion .. but to the chaos as a comprehensible manner, I will tell the best from the beginning.

Initially we had a pure Dom-sub relationship with him as a cathedral - I had at the time but already had a few fantasies, but based only on women who first and second, I doubt strongly that I could ever implement and would do if some day I would have the chance. I felt so broadly as a hundred-percent Subbie and saw no reason to change that something.

Although I made every now and then thought it would look like the future, because I knew that he switcher and he would be able to live with me only one side of his affections, but repressed it again first, and calmed myself with that if we should be ready and he would have the desire, they want to play back down, we can determine the rules would somehow.

Well - had at our second meeting, this Concern then discharged since he awakened more or less randomly, the Cathedral side of me and I had a surprising amount of fun to bite my beloved scratch and slap .. Percussion instruments and bonds should follow later, after I degraded piece by piece, the inhibitions to hurt him.

The doubts whether his friend who had just been to the fearsome cathedral, can be quite horribly common, without losing its effect is lost, there were definitely for me after the events no longer. With me and Chris, it's like this, that we change both of us pretty much in gestures, facial expressions and voice, when we go from a warehouse other To change so it is not difficult to separate the DOM version of the sub-version of it.

I want to take a stand with the prejudice clean up, a switch would be "less" Sub or Dom as "real" full-time subs and Doms, but some strange intermediate beings, in which both tendencies are always present. Which at least for me beleibe not - admittedly, if we do not see long-distance relationship due, I have as often times toppige daydreaming, although I have the necklace wear or fantasies of both forms at a fast rate, but when we play, I'm either with skin and hair or subbig toppig - there are no intermediate tones.

The intensity of gambling has not changed significantly since I was mutated to the switch designer. Of course, needs a power differential time to consolidate, but if it is safe first up, it is irrelevant that I would torture him in other circumstances as well .. I am his property and he completely delivered.

What would bring us more or less where the cause of our confusion: To date, the shares of our inclinations were not balanced - he was clearly the more dominant part and in the longer term top, while my Toppen limited to one or two sessions has, and my inner Subbie felt quite comfortable with it. I might need the assurance that he take the reins in doubt in the hand and practically force me down.

now I realize, however, that shifting my affections, I more and more desire to get Toppen and he just falls and increasingly, in its sub-role and we would like to try then both the other side .. the device but with our 24/7-artigen structure in the dominant constellation in conflict.

Actually we have always the case that I am for the period in which I'm up, do not follow the rules, and vice versa .. longer-term Write sentences as punishment but it is unfavorable, if I, before I had fulfilled the task again will toppig. In addition, we are currently quite often to waver and, I really see as the main difficulty of the switches, that is, if you hold both sides would like to live out happy, you should still opt for a longer period for when would value the power gap and sets no hopeless cause confusion. The fluctuation also means that we often end up both on the sub-page and no one feels impelled to become toppig .. ah yes. We are although most of the time a good team and go at each other from, but unfortunately it does not work forever.

regard is the issue there are a few suggestions that I feel not as helpful - what good is it if we auswürfeln or specify who is on certain days above and our passions are controlled not such that we run through the then can and have fun doing it?

Then while the continuity and stability would be guaranteed, but both he and I are not particularly happy with the situation, as we should ignore our respective state of mind, if he is not covered by the Specified. Our inclination is still pretty much from the mood and stress level dependent - you can see, it is complicated. I still hope that we both find a solution, I, greedy man, I'm not want to miss out to enjoy both sides with him .. this, it is simply too beautiful. bring

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blunt Wrap Prices Ontario

Another salt soap

standard salt soap with coconut, babassu, olive, macadamia, castor oil and lanolin. The over-enrichment with 15% and is usually very nice scented with essential oils.
dyed with the pigments blue paste, Forest Green and Dark brown iron oxide.
1:1 fats, oils / unrefined sea salt.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How Much Is 1mb Of Cell Data

applications are received ...

In such a room could she slept through her knitting days, rather, her knitting nights in Sternberg ...

... only one example, but each room is different in size and configuration ...

are already occupied some rooms definitely.
that is, these applications are in the mail, filled out and signed, arrived.

In the week
on Sunday 15 May to Friday 20 May 2011:

3 rooms
In the week
on Sunday 24 July to Friday 29 July 2011:

5 rooms
In particular, I am pleased
that a knitter from Austria Here ...

... and of course I am very curious as to which applications arrive next to me ...
... are still some outstanding questions ...

Together we look forward to knitting beautiful days in Sternberg!

Until then I wish you a good time.

With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

organizer and instructor
the knitting holiday in Sternberg

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Big 10 Wrestling Uniforms

Birthday Bondage-girl.

To some variety in the blog and because I have to present at last something, there is now a series of pictures to the creation of Chris' birthday present - almost by accident arose because some berry demanded constantly noisy, make progress in being able to inspect.
It all started with a nice photo I found on Deviantart have - and by whom, unfortunately, I do not, or I'd link to the gallery here. Criteria were aesthetic and Vanilla suitability to Grukis family not to shock a lot and I think I've done both objectives satisfactorily.

began sketching After I, with the legs to try out carefully to see if I can manage with the relatively large size - the final product had the dimensions 50x50 cm, and usually I work a lot of small-format. Even the admirable delicate stomach of the lady I have, I think, attempt it already to some extent.

latest in the breasts, however, I realized that it was a mistake was aufzuzuäumen the horse so to speak from behind and not work from top to bottom but from bottom to top .. Although I put paper between my elbow and drawing, but I still had at the end kräfig the correct blurred again.

Well .. Another internal issue joined by the shoulder to say - the place seemed unnaturally black, and I'm eternally wiped off again with the (incidentally, highly recommended) kneading eraser graphite and applied again. I've decided against my gut feeling and a darker tone that annoys me still. Other hand, I really like the neckline and neck pretty, though I in the later stages still have made the transition smoother.

My favorite game of hate I had for the time when I was hopefully already progressed too far to despair, can be saved - the hands. I've grudgingly me the challenge of the fingers to make it look like cocktail sausages, made, and am pleasantly surprised, contrary to my expectations.

The hair is to me very well done, I think. Above all, here I had to deal with the Kniffelei that I am the shadow areas of the photo was not one to take one but me a structure had to consider, because large subscribed almost black areas look really stupid .. and I could not help it, ever herumzukritteln abdomen.

And the end result is now so after about 17 hours of work and a transport in silver-white Luv-wrapping paper and Ikea bag that Grukis Rooms:

(Yes, I know the nodes are a bit weird fall. But overall it is impressive.)