Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Get Golden Pufel

topics show ...

Na? Have you all who come in May 2011 in the knitting holiday
taught your mailboxes?
all read well?

times I will now introduce the topics
that can deliver these days to talk about ...

following topics
be / could / were
in May 2011, course content may be desired:

- Acquiring basic skills in patchwork knitting and as an entry all about the "One-patches" and their ability

- As always, shaping a piece

- strip technique, simply by way until a little more demanding

- (. for Example with the pattern "on Patrol)

- How to knit I go to the cloth triangle, "
(a Triangular Ten-Stitch variant on an idea by Frankie Brown)

- variations of rectangles and squares

If other demands on the wish list are, then simply sign with me.
Now I wish you all a good Sunday.
With best regards, knitting
your Damaris


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