Monday, February 28, 2011

Marilyn Monroe Shower Curtai

Where the 1 week is just gone? The last week was a bit stressful, work, two birthdays, then my son had a job interview, sports, etc. sew
And if that were not enough, because I feel so lucky, the sheep's wool: o (Now wait . I am sure that is my package so I can cram more
two bears I got still ready:

This is Stefan, he is 24 inches tall, he is filled with sheep's wool and steel granules. His paw and foot pads are made of printed fabric.

And that's Kasper, it is a hobby pack and is limited to 7 pieces, he is also 24 cm. can fill
Have here two candidates to come, but not otherwise, so I watch if I sew something. The weather is the best thing to do.
I wish you a nice afternoon.

Bärige Greetings Andrea

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Marshamellow Gun Walmart

Beastly premiere + Heidi, the Oppossum

Fits to the biggest event, standing around in the most celebrities in a heap, the Academy Awards;) there are now more or less matching news about the stars.

First VANESSA HUDGENS and Alex Pettyfer : On 24 February celebrated their joint film "Beastly" Los Angeles Premiere. Vanessa looked beautiful as always made in a purple patterned dress. And Alex ... * Sigh * looooong hot: DDD

involves: Manhattan. Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer) is rich, handsome and has everything you could want. But his fellowmen he acts condescending and mean. One day he commits a serious mistake: At a party he represents his classmate Kendra (Mary Kate Olsen) just before all other guests. Kendra then assigned him with a curse: His character, ugly and cruel, should from now on, reflected in his appearance ... Kyle is transformed overnight into a hideous beast. He desperately tried to get Kendra to make the curse reversed. But it remains hard and tells him only that the only way to save him is to within a year to find a girl who falls in love despite his form in it. Kyle shows that task completely impossible, and withdraws from life - until one day at his old school friend, Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens) meet. With its open nature, she calls him out of his cave and slowly awakens feelings in
him that he did not know yet. But the nagging question
remains: Is Lindy in a position to love a monster
(Text: / archiv/trailer-2010/14372-beastly-film-trailer.html . There you will also find a trailer for the film)

way: Heidi, the squinting Oppossum from the Leipzig Zoo (by Octopus Paul, we now have a Oppossum xDD) has predicted that Natalie Portman ("Black Swan") and Colin Firth ((The King's Speech ") won the Oscar will get the case." Best Film "was heidi somewhat uncertain typed and equal to three films:" Inception "," 127 Hours .. "and" The Fighter "Would it be right, it would be quite a sensation: D We'll see then who wants to follow in full, can - by 2 clock night;)

image sources:, / 2011/02/hudgens-beastly/vanessa-hudgens-beastly-premiere-04.jpg,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Best Mini Cooper Year.

is talking silver, gold

The clearly applies to me: D
At least when it comes to such great books like Cassandra Clare!
your latest book: CLOCKWORK ANGEL - Chronicles of Shadow Hunter
me immediately cast a spell.
I was before this book was a great fan of it. Of course, for their debut book series: The Mortal (City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass) and her wonderful writing style, so you think the characters were really real

Clockwork Angel is the start of their second book series which also turns to the world of Shadow Hunter. This time, however, are not Clary, Jace, Simon, and Valentin in the foreground, but Tessa, Will and Jem, in the 19th Century against demons and other dangerous creatures to fight.

What's this?
London, 1878. A mysterious Killer is driving in the dark streets of the city on the loose. Unintentionally Tessa gets into the battle between vampires, sorcerers and other supernatural beings. When she learns that she is a shadow world activist and also possesses a rare gift, it itself becomes the hunted. But then she finds allies, in the Institute of the Shadow Hunter. There she meets not only to James, behind whose fragile beauty hides a deadly secret, but also to Will, who has with his every whim at bay - everyone except Tessa. Tessa is completely torn and do not know who they grieve. Finally, the shadow hunter their natural Enemies ... (From )

Who has read City of Bones and its successor volumes, will be thrilled by this series.
Again the people are described very much alive, each has its own special character and even the evil of the story a somewhat fascinating, because they act as complex and interesting and think.
There is also a reunion with someone from the City directories: Magnus Bane. In the 19th Century eccentric way and crazy as well to Clarys and our time.
And also some names of the shadow hunters should not be completely unknown. Herondale, Light Wood, Penhallow, Wayland ... ;))
This book is fun to read (I could already barely put it down) and, incidentally shorten the waiting time for City of Fallen Angels released (in April in English and in Septmeber in German! ):))

-> Book Cover of City of Fallen Angels:

Sources: wp-content/uploads/gallery/cityoffallenangels/cityoffallenangelsger.png and

Family Guy Online Ipod

Reading is All I've got are all these photographs ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Scooter Wheels Metal Core Sale

Once again ....

... one of the very popular sea salt soap. As always, 1:1 oil / grease and unr. sea salt.
babassu, palm kernel, olive, macadamia nut, castor oil and lanolin to bring the foam very well. Scented with all kinds of residues of essential oils. Indigotin stained with TO-violet and Nicosiagrün. Optional: An uneven surface! I must say, I like it very well, the wild toppings, but somehow I'm the type of "quiet" surface.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pool Acid Stump Remover

All I Want Is CALI ♥ ♥

* * screaming I want to ... And also! Ohhhh such a cute dress! Buy it for you!
are talking about ...
an American fashion label, which currently exists only in three German cities. (Hamburg, Oberhausen and Frankfurt).
Known for rather more modest surfer fashion, but also varied with dresses and skirts with flower prints. ♥
is special about it?
You will not get it anywhere (unless you belong to the lucky ones live in the three. Dt cities in America or you go holiday shopping in size), in stores are the sellers very pretty (it is actually provided that one looks good), they have a genius playlist: D and the clothes are really nice, if somewhat expensive. Sorry.

Here are some examples: (* will * have xDD),,

Monster Energy Wedding Rings


I'll have to imagine something ... Or rather someone:)
And although 3 people who mean a lot and blogging all three:)

First of all, the blog by Melly (aka MellyPelly and the M, L & M) ♥
addition to our community blog "Songs and Stories for Questions and Answers "it also has a blog where you can read all about them, their experiences, what she is doing, what music they find particularly great and and and. DD is not for nothing that" Crazy Life ":))

Then the blog of my dearest Anniiiii:)
side issues, she has just seen posting, they mainly wonderful wonderful pictures of everything possible wuuuuunderschöne ♥ Especially the photos of delicious-looking BROWNIES * yummie *:)) One day I come over to her over and eating a little of their baked xD

And finally, the blog of Jojo (-alone):)
The Blog Title says it all. She writes soooooo beautiful about a variety of emotions (love, pain, joy ...) This really great poems are in German and published in English:))

look simply drop by: D
LG Laura ♥ ♥ ♥

How Many Btu From Car Radiator

The week has gone so fast around, I really do not know where the time went. Today is Sunday and tomorrow, the weekend is already over.

Today I finished he got Benjie is 20 cm and are made of mohair with wool and steel granules gefüllt.Seine paws and soles with pawprint motif.

Benjie is a bear for Wiesbaden, except he will first have a good home: o)
Benjie and I wish you a nice Sunday.

Bärige greetings
Andrea and Benjie o)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Get Golden Pufel

topics show ...

Na? Have you all who come in May 2011 in the knitting holiday
taught your mailboxes?
all read well?

times I will now introduce the topics
that can deliver these days to talk about ...

following topics
be / could / were
in May 2011, course content may be desired:

- Acquiring basic skills in patchwork knitting and as an entry all about the "One-patches" and their ability

- As always, shaping a piece

- strip technique, simply by way until a little more demanding

- (. for Example with the pattern "on Patrol)

- How to knit I go to the cloth triangle, "
(a Triangular Ten-Stitch variant on an idea by Frankie Brown)

- variations of rectangles and squares

If other demands on the wish list are, then simply sign with me.
Now I wish you all a good Sunday.
With best regards, knitting
your Damaris

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fastest Point-and-shoot

The Austrian hiking package ...

... is just me. Here's what I've chosen.

It was me to browse a joy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jvc Subwoofer Th M303

Last night Daimon is finished, he is the brother of Dennis. Daimon is 24 cm filled with sheep's wool and steel pellets.

This morning was sunshine, marvelous as I came from work, but now it's covered again.

As I came then to the front door, I heard the noise: o (I thought the workmen in the house would be ready to make noise, but that was nothing and then I saw the staircase looks again. O (

Now is calm in the house and I'll try a little sewing.

I wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hallee Hirsh In A Bathing Suit

Today, there are still 4 weeks to Wiesbaden and already I have a feeling that not everything I create what I have planned. 'm Busy sewing stuff on, I will later.

Today, I would imagine Lando, he has become the daily finished

Lando is 24 cm, filled with sheep's wool and steel shot and has therefore a bit more weight, he's a bear what with to Wiesbaden . If he finds previously not had a home.

I wish you a nice weekend.

Bärige greetings

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nike Rn#56323, Ca #05553, And 206698-010

Solid Shampoo

I love the solid shampoo things. The green smell of JP-Gaultier "Le Male", and the Reds after the women's fragrance by JPG.
Worked for this recipe:
200 g SLSA
20 g broccoli seed oil
4 g Lanolin
2 g lysolecithin
20 g alumina
I do not bake in the tube - then just leave it air dryer.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cold Sores In The Nose From Cat Litter

knitting holiday in May 2011 ...

Today I am addressing all the holiday knitting participants ,
who have registered for the May 2011 .

I am very happy to inform you,
that we are fully booked in May 2011 and all seats are filled.

particular, I am personally on many new faces,
but also the repeat offenders ...

I know you already in the anticipation and curiosity,
on what is to come, be
I tell you that you get mail from me next week.

Yes, yes, so slowly it is serious ...

Now I wish you from my heart a great weekend,
much joy in all that you so love you're planning and let there knitting greetings.

your Damaris

... but the hopes that you always curious by here, looks
for soon to be the preferred course topics announced ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hard Cervix 7 Weeks Pregnant

added Today my father birthday present and on time the day is its soul comforter (Manuela Schulz) finished yesterday. My father is ill and was committed in 2001 are as on 11.9.2001 of the attack on the World Trade Center, my father was in artificial coma (7 weeks). He has done a lot with me, I often wonder where my father takes the strength ago, he again at the moment not doing so well, I thought, since the Comforter soul but the right birthday gift: o)

So here is a photo of a consoler soul:

Dear Dad, we wish you all the best birthday o Andrea, Dirk and Steven

So I wish you a nice day, best wishes Andrea

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hiv Rapid Test At 22 Weeks

I have finally managed to that insert new banner on my blog. Tanni (Finley's world) has sent me a long time ago. I have learned Tanni kennnen in food on the stock market, and we got talking. She has encouraged me to make a blog and give me your assistance to geboten.Aber everything Internet talk concerns homepage and blog, because I always need a little longer. That's why I It also only now managed to put the banner on the blog. You know the Surely, you are sewing on and suddenly you have the flash of inspiration: o)

love Tanni so again many thanks for your help: o)

I wish you a good Sunday

Bärige greetings

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Are The Swot Analsis Of A Hair Salon

We all week craftsmen had in the house, because in our house a home is rebuilt. The bathroom was cut out, replace tubes and a deck on the stairs: o (
My cats have in house by the noise, always a quiet room gesucht.Aber was nothing to quiet room, it was thought that tear off the whole house.
I was already in despair, but now are 13 clock peace: o) we will enjoy it.

have now found the two in a quiet place and enjoy the peace.

And here I have a photo of Daisy, that was so much of a snapshot, since it wa but even smaller.
I wish you a nice weekend, I hope we get some sun.

Bärige greetings

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pokemon Crystal Ipod Touch'

morning at twenty to six I did not go to work, we had -6 °. I need but only ten minutes away, but when you're there, you are frozen well. By noon we had blue sky and sun, but it was still cold.

sew with which I am also vorran quite well, have now made new photos of Dennis and Bunnies Bears Wukie.

This is Wukie she is 20 cm and filled with sheep's wool and steel shot, they will find with in Wiesbaden, other than they were earlier a new home. When she finished I have shown my husband, I'm just out of the room and when I came back, sat there Wukie:
I'm at work my colleagues with normal ears and ears with these as they are shown in the photo and they found with the other ear also very sweet. I find them too sweet, but somehow it is not a rabbit bear more, do not you think?

Well here I'm again a new photo of Dennis:
Dennis is also a bear with what is going to Wiesbaden, except he was earlier found a new home.

I'm going to sew something, I'll have a nice afternoon.

Bärige greetings