Monday, August 30, 2010

Feels Like Have Blister My Butt

Verwirrspielchen in Catonium.

The ancient decorated hall is only dimly lit by wall sconces, as we enter, there is silence in the room and I feel a bit like I was entering another world, another time. Chris leads me to the pillory and I "may" help to hang the connection system between the posts before me including the fact. Nervously, I try to turn my head, that I can not see what he does behind me, irritated me. He walks around

me - slowly, like a lion, his wounded prey, flee no more. Then, the first blows with his chain, surprisingly hard and accurately, so it burns like hell itself through the jeans. I gasp at, twist myself and try to avoid them until I somehow manage to lose his footing, so he has to save and interrupt me, not without a few well placed words about what he thinks of my resistance. Contrary to my fears is that the game but not over - it merely removes the cross bar with the pillory, so he I can chain with spread arms and legs to the stakes.

Mhm. Better .. much better. I enjoy the helplessness, the dropping in the chains as he beats me with his belt and a couple of times meets the back. First, I am instinctively stiffen and complain, although I realize that I like it. He holds back a little this time so that the belt is indeed palpable, but at the same time feels good. I regret a little that he will return back to the metal chain on the grounds that it would fit better into the atmosphere, but let happen what he does with me.

I am sorry to ask him soon I untie the feet, so I can be sure - began my hands, to feel numb and tingle, and I would like to keep it fully operational. He subsequently obtained a cloth to blindfold me, what a resounding effect on me: In a deprived anyway strange environment of vision to become disoriented and makes my ear be razor sharp. I address a concern in my head trying to match even the smallest noise.

The door opens. Did he leave the room or if someone came in that I can look so - defenseless, delivered his grace? After an eternity of silence felt as if I believe slowly I like that he has left me alone and slightly panicked, I will hear the door again and snap shut and someone comes up to me. For a moment, I am confused and cringe when he touches me, but when he whispers in his ear my little nasty, I relax a bit again. He would not allow anyone anfässt me without my permission while I am in this position. How could I just doubt it?

Unexpectedly, he pushes my shirt and bra down and pulls my pants down, including underwear, to reach between my legs. I pause and remember the frequent suspicious creaking of the door - it is possible for me right now anyone see? His whispered speculation unsettle me also .. his voice is to be noted clearly illustrates the huge fun he has in mind to make me suffer so.

Even the thought that I might have audience is me terribly uncomfortable and yet I can not prevent that I will be moist and push myself to his hand. But soon he returns, raises my clothes straight again and put me a few blows before me - very pleased with himself - decreases the blindfold and set me free. "You'll never know if you have watched someone, my little girl."

bastard. And while I love the fact that he do something with me can.

image ® Russado, CC Clearwater

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Menards Remote Ceiling Fan Switch

A visit to the Perverted camp.

seemed a mysterious higher power is not to suggest that Chris and I show up on the camp of SMJG CT last weekend. After we had dropped even the tents on the Stover beach due to colds, each in varying degrees, we had when we were Saturday had the morning so swayed by ten out of bed and find that the bus from the station to the campground's prehistoric and we are so up to three hours could have stayed. Fortunately, there were nice people who pity themselves to play for us, shuttle service, so we are but seven hours in the beautiful Perverse Camp could spend.

We arrived about three clock and just in time to watch after a brief welcome round the duel between Irlefin, a thoroughly likeable male character with which I wrote quite some time online, and thunderstorm winds, his beautiful red-headed quasi-second appendix, to. And "duel" in this context is not an exaggeration - the two circled warily at first bare-chested before, like predators with teeth and claws attacked.

first it was somewhat disconcerting to see two people fight like that, but somehow fascinating to a peculiar kind; ago Gewiwi all had with her hissing, which shot forth between their teeth bared, something striking cat-like. Honestly, I would not have it at the moment may face. It was she who were causing the significantly greater damage - both looked as though made after survivors of a massacre, but compared Irles welts were numerous. He was tired but not mention it, that he had only just held back.

Unfortunately I could not to watch the whole thing over with, because I at the sight of blood - foreign blood, mind you - in principle dizzy. On my own this is something completely different, so I do not even averse Cuttings am .. somehow I'm funny.
But back to the tent-CT .. most of the time we spent trying to chat with others and watching them at play, although the smaller squabbles between me and failed to Gruki not and he repeated the effectiveness of the chain Garden'schen impact device demonstrated.

It was nice meeting all the insane and more accurately know, that I had changed at the last CT only a few words because I was still relatively new on the one hand, and thus the cast of forum and chat at best fleeting knew the other hand, understandably, too Chris was very focused on. This time I was more relaxed and I felt the group quickly belong, so I was very sorry that we could not stay there.

it was particularly delighted to meet Gewiwi and Irle, of course I was curious as to how he really be as good and in color would be after we wrote to each other since February and also Gruki seen him in June and he more or less the exclusive permission was given, and cut me. Unfortunately, it is not because of my cough occurred more than a few test shots with Irles Kuschelflogger .. but I am confident that once again finds himself in the near future.

After it has been slowly getting darker and many of the people was busy grilling, we decided to get back on the to make way home to Kiel. On the train we discovered above all, to my surprise, that seems to play by Irle and Gewiwi to have rubbed off, so we had to dominate us and growling to scare the poor not to Vanilla's on the other end of the compartment.

Chris' wolfish core was already in the past turned up while playing, but for me it was an entirely new experience to have this animal side of me. I must admit that I like it here and there to be a wild cat and me sometimes rudely to fight with him, even if we prefer, fortunately, to be relinquished in streams flowing blood.

Monday, August 23, 2010

How Good Is Buffalo Hard Disc

The colorful button shop ...

... at Evita Creativ!
Eva has written a brilliant e-book on crocheting of this sweet buttons. If you would win such a great Häkelbilder, then looks at her blog over.

Since I am a Häkelbanause, I find those things cute, I'm going to participate !!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Milena Velba - Nightmare ...

steaks and strokes.

I would it must know.

I should have known that a barbecue would go with a bunch of lovable crazy, perverted man not long harmless. Nevertheless, I rocked me before last Thursday afternoon in safety, as Chris and I for a coffee with his grandmother (I think I have never eaten so much cake in one week) rode to his very very idyllic garden plot, for extensive use of the hammock the Services for the invasion and prepared us from his parents were kind enough to bring over some food.

wobbled little later then Ava, Felin, Garden and Naya - originally were again invited, but Unfortunately, for various reasons were prevented in the short term. The food was therefore abundant and at first was indeed getriezt during grilling and geblödelt but made whether the general focus on food intake no further retaliation, which confirmed me in thinking that I would be on the night safe from attacks.

was, however, I soon disillusioned, as the Gruki came from some reason the idea that I would make me very decorative on plum tree between the candle-lights and me there temporarily with Gardens help and his neon-orange and, unfortunately, very thin rope fixed band. Somehow, neither felt nor Felin Naya motivated to free myself from my predicament .. I clearly know too many people to be flexible as to loyalty.

As the evening had progressed, they all felt sufficiently saturated and fear no interference from ignorant, innocent neighbors more allotments were decided, the gentlemen present to test the resilience of the hammock stand. Since I do not particularly enthusiastic about it was to serve as a test subject, I was looking just at the moment the toilets, only made for the return of Ava in a headlock and a blanket thrown over have become, whereupon he announced happily that he had a Wal've caught. Hmph.

unfortunately, was all kicking and reluctance nothing, and shortly thereafter I found myself tied with Felin and Naya in the following constellation in the frame again

course was not long in creative bondage actions and Chris and Garden obviously had too much fun us to be angry with a hammer chain of metal rings respectively, a bamboo rod. First, Chris had used as Garden, a metal chain, but mercifully traded for the bar after I found that I had with the pain in the situation was not so really handle well and a desperate tap dance on the spot, executes had, much to the chagrin by Felin and Naya, who cut the rope at the wrists, as it was loosely pulled through the eyelets at the ends of the frame.

Actually I seem to be significantly bigger wimp than the two - they even flashed back and back together and complained, but jumped in contrast to me about not undignified. Well, sometimes I could also drop into the pain and enjoy .. and somehow I have to admit to that, it was fun, tortured so mean to.
"Look Gruki, mean it, if you irritate it with another pain. There's enough to suggest that is." - Original sound of Garden, accompanied by a left flapping in the chain in my direction, what to do led promptly to make a sentence to the back of the stick into it. Nuff - my thighs are very sensitive. After

were the rulers, that we have suffered enough, we ended the evening with a cozy candle-end and the smaller squabbles Gruki baked Russian chocolate cheesecake. Thank you, that you were there and we had such a great time together.